Thinking of sending a care package to your loved one battling cancer, but not sure what to include?  Christmas Without Cancer has you covered!  We like to think we’ve become experts on this topic.  Each year, our volunteers help put together kits for those battling cancer with the help and donations from our incredible supporters.  Take a look at our recommendations for curating the perfect care package. ​​​​​ 

What To Include In A Care Package  

A care package can include anything you want in it!  We suggest a combination of the patient’s favorite items as well as comforting items for their cancer journey.  

  • Warm & Cozy 

Begin building your care package with something for comfort.  A cozy blanket, fuzzy socks, robe or a sweater make great gifts to keep one warm and comfortable.  

  • Yummy Treat 

Include the patient’s favorite snack and/or drink to make the gift customized to their liking.  When choosing treats, be mindful of any new dietary restrictions they may have.   

  • Boredom Cure 

Books & crossword puzzles are effective ways to stimulate the brain and keep busy.  Both are small enough to bring to appointments to help make the time pass.   

  • Health  

Nausea is a common side effect of treatment for cancer.  Some of our fighters have found ginger nausea drops to be helpful to subside their nausea.  They also have a dual purpose for dry mouth, another possible side effect.  Hand sanitizers are always a need to help kill germs.  We love the miniature bottles to keep in multiple places for easy accessibility.     

  • Personalized Note 

To finish up your care package, be sure to enclose a personalized note!  Handwrite a thoughtful message in an uplifting card to show how much you care.    

When To Give A Care Package 

Holidays and birthdays are the obvious reason to give a gift, but care package deliveries don’t need to be limited to just these!  A surprise “just because” package is a good reminder to let someone know you are thinking of them.  A new diagnosis, change in treatment plan or care are also great opportunities to show your support.  

No matter what you include or when you give one, a care package will be more appreciated than you know!  Thanks for reading along.  Stay tuned for our next blog.  

With Love, 

The Christmas Without Cancer Team  

Stay connected with us! 


